Monday, January 27, 2014

Attracting money easy ritual

Attracting money easy ritual

This ritual is very effective and easy to do, but you have to remember that the rituals you perform will only work if you really believe in them, You will need to visualize what you want. For this ritual you will need to visualize the specific amount of money you need. You can repeat this ritual as many times as you like.
Things you will need:
Green candle (any size)
small plate(green prefered but not necessary)
brown paper bag
pencil (new or the one you use for rituals only)

You will write the amount of money you need and the reason you need it on the brown paper, fold the paper in half then placing the paper on the plate, you will then procceed to burning your candle and placing it on top of the paper, the paper will not  burn but if you don't feel comfortable with this technique then just place the paper under the plate.
While the candle burns, this is the part where you will use visualization, you will visualise yourself having the money in your hand, Do not think of it as happening in the future, (you have to believe you have the money right now).
Continue doing this until you feel happy and satisfied.
When the candle is done burning, grab the remains of the wax and grab your paper, place them inside another bag or a zip-lock bag and hide it anywhere in your house where no one can get it.
When you are finished with this ritual, go on with your day or night, and also try to find solutions to your money issues, the reason I say this, is because when you do the rituals, you open a door for the good and positive energies to come to you and surround you, the way we see this energy is with new opportunities and possible solutions to your current financial problems.

Stay OpenMinded :) 

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